More Minds. More Ideas.

We understood the need to create an Eco-system which engages more minds, allowing more ideas and innovation to be originated; ultimately resulting in the creation of more solutions

Getting the


ideas to take off!


We are a technology organisation

We are a technology organisation set up as a eco system to originate ventures, innovations and initiatives focused on achieving economic and social goals

What ?

We are a technology organisation

We deliver innovation and execute global initiatives to create a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable world


We are a technology organisation

We believe the current economic and social systems are archaic, broken and bias; unfit to cater for and improve quality of life


We are a technology organisation

We operate and impact at micro and macro levels, within all elements of global society and economy


We are a technology organisation

We use a network driven method to originate revolutionary innovations and programmes, systematically and seamlessly
MISX is a visionary organisation which conceives and develops the foundations of the future in the present. By executing a systematic and universal approach to venture creation, MISX proves to be a catalyst in the generating innovation and tech initiatives to address global challenges. We are a Tech Venture creation organisation, focused on economic and social goals. A Eco system that rises up to the challenge of addressing global challenges”

The world needs more ideas to be bought to the table; needs more ideas to become a reality.

More minds, More ideas, More solutions, More Opportunities, More Value


We believe we can change the world with the provision of technology to realise untapped opportunities and overlooked possibilities
Via specific directed ventures and innovations, we empower individuals, organisations, and institutions to achieve more and better. Our vision is to create a global network that seamlessly originates technology ventures as solutions to address global economic, social and environmental challenges. We endeavour to empower societies and economies by making opportunities more apparent, allowing all to engage and benefit from unrealised value around them. All whilst not compromising the responsibility and contributions towards social and sustainability goals.


MISX is a network of likeminded entrepreneurial individuals driven by a common purpose and governed by a set of core principles.
MISX was formed in London with the simple aim of bringing likeminded futurists, thinkers and entrepreneurs together concentrating on united goals to disrupt, redesign and redefine current economic, social and ecological systems. By creating technology driven ventures and programmes we aim to address and tackle the challenges the world faces today as well as prepare and propel it to thrive in the future

By creating technology driven ventures and programmes we aim to address and tackle the challenges the world faces today as well as prepare and propel it to thrive in the


Our primary founding reason was to create a network like no other. We didn’t want to be an incubator, nor did we want to serve up accelerator programmes for others. We wanted to own the process from origination. We wanted to own the concept, the white space, its exploration, engineering and all the value add to follow so we can share the benefit.
Our primary objective is to improve quality of life via seamless opportunity creation. By making opportunities more apparent we allow and enable value creation. We believe the world lacks the role of an effective integrator, who can facilitate and allow neglected opportunity and value to be realised.
The current economic and social systems are archaic, broken and bias; unfit to cater for and improve quality of life at the rate that is required. We believe the world as whole is far behind the development curve, because of there being no real effective integrator of resources. With disruptive targeted solutions we aim to redesign and redefine current economic, social and ecological systems at all levels.
To disrupt and redefine the status quo, we believe we need to create a venture eco system governed by a collective which is unbiased, inclusive and transparent; to facilitate the creation of ventures that are unbiased, inclusive and transparent.
When exploring how to improve the current situation it was evident that there was a lack of global networks focused on originating technological solutions for economic and social challenges. Hence, we aim to create a global network with academics, entrepreneurs and futurists at its core, which seamlessly originates technology ventures as solutions.
We wanted to create a platform, a well-oiled engine which allows pursuit of high value add economic goals for investors and consumers whilst upholding excellent social and sustainability standards.

What Makes
Us Different

We want to own the concept, its exploration, engineering and its evolution into an established solution. We want to direct the value add that follows and share the benefits.
All our work originates in house. We are not an incubation or an accelerator hub. We develop targeted solutions to tackle global economic and social challenges. We let global needs and challenges drive concept exploration for betterment, which ultimately stocks and seeds the white space within our process.
We establish a universal approach to innovation and venture creation; via our unique process we call The Funnel. A resource network powered approach, to systematically and seamlessly originate innovation.
MISX conceives specific programmes and products. We believe in delivering opportunities for future prosperity, whilst tackling present global challenges is best done by establishing targeted programmes. This provides a foundation for innovation and sets the stage for ventures to be established and scaled.
We power development via a network driven bootstrapped approach, with Gen Z students, academics, entrepreneurs and futurists at its core. We consider a bootstrapped approach to venture conception and initial development (via equity issuance) to be an important factor for long term success. Our IFE agreements (In for Equity) result in all those involved being invested in progress and success for the long term.
We target to conceive, develop, and allow solutions to evolve upstream and downstream. Resulting in stacked solutions as well as exclusive platforms to be realised, upon which other ventures can be developed. This facilitates opportunity, productivity and capacity creation which are fundamental to our offering. Contributing to our fundamental belief to work at both Macro and Micro levels.
We prove collaboration between established market entities and our network allows untapped visions to be realised more effectively and efficiently. We aim to Simultaneously compete and work with established market entities. With economic and social goals being at the forefront we actively pursue partner and challenger relationships with state and government institutions.

Our Guiding Principles

Our principles guide all decision making and our approach to what we create and how we create it
We let global needs and challenges drive our concept exploration to seed the white space within our process; with the aim this shall result in targeted solutions being conceived.
We are the founders, principal owners and proprietaries of our Ventures, which originate in house; we take responsibility for their long-term success by providing all the required resources via our network.
We from the beginning seek to disrupt and facilitate disruption in the current markets and systems. We aim to create new markets and solutions that have not registered with others. We are advocates of unconventional ideas.
We create ventures that intuitively contribute to the evolution of our network. We are committed to constantly developing our network to expand the potential of resource pools and enhance access.
We have an unbiased and inclusive approach to markets, ventures and talent participation, allowing for out of the box thinking and non-norms to be explored. We deem this to be necessary for numerous alternative realities to be visioned.
We actively seek collaboration with established market and deem it mandatory to allow untapped visions to be realised effectively and efficiently.
We consider a bootstrapped approach to venture conception and initial development (via equity issuance) to be an important factor for long term success. We seek to keep all those involved invested in progress and success in a robust manner and for the long term.
We aim to deliver exceptional returns to our investment partners; and thus, purse high value adds economic ventures which benefit all.
We actively review, assess and redefine the end goal. By being tolerant and allowing the end goal to change, we believe our solutions remain relevant. We understand the end goal drives the solution, but end goals are subject to real world developments. Our unique bootstrapped till late, governed by a collective approach makes us versatile. Allowing for fluid scope evolution rather than rigid ambitions.
We require all our ventures to pursue a policy that advances productivity, creates capacity and promote economic opportunity. These considerations are fundamental to our offering. Being a technology venture company pursuing economic value add through overlooked opportunities this is a key element of our philosophy.
We compel all venture developments to adhere to the highest ethical standards. As a company we were formed with the goal to better the quality of life globally. The nature of our business deems it vital to respect privacy, autonomy, integrity and conflicts of interest. By implementing frameworks and universal approaches governed by a collective body we aim to deliver ethical solutions. We deem the framework to be crucial since one of our unique differences is we work with and challenge current establishments, both private enterprise and public government. We cannot let conflicts of interest restrain our visions.
We ensure all our ventures from conception pursue the obligations of sustainable development and that we deliver scaled solutions that better economy, society and environment simultaneous and not at the expense of one another. With disruptive targeted solutions we aim to redesign and redefine current economic, social and ecological systems at all levels to guarantee this.
We continue to develop a venture eco system governed by a collective which is unbiased, inclusive, and transparent. One which energetically churns and targets to create autonomous and decentralised solutions. The world is actively reclaiming privacy and autonomy through consensus of the masses. By governing the origination and development of our works through collective governance we believe our ventures inherit these attributes.
We always drive our network and the ventures we create to be seamless in design, execution, use and benefit. This is a core founding principle for us, we shall channel resources to always produce solutions in a seamless manner which when used provide seamless value and benefit.
We always seek and choose accelerated impact ventures. We deem accelerated impact as essential for both the result of the solution to the challenge and the development of the solution its self. Time and impact are key factors when we evaluate which proposition to run with.


MISX was founded in London by Shahid Bashir in 2020. With an academic background in Economics and eventual movement into the Engineering and Construction industry (focused on major capital infrastructure projects), Shahid has developed and spearheaded key programmes for the past 15 years. Known to be a trouble shooting individual in the Rail Industry, he has pioneered processes and protocols for interface management and data driven solutions, for effective and efficient delivery.