Not an incubator. Not accelerator, well not in the traditional sense.
We didn’t want to be an incubator, nor did we want to serve up accelerator programmes for others. We wanted to own the process from origination. We wanted to own the concept, the white space, its exploration, engineering, and evolution into an established solution. Most of all we want to be principal custodians of the value that follows so we can share the benefits.
1. Targeted economic and social ventures
All our work originates in house. We are not an incubation or an accelerator hub. We develop targeted solutions to tackle global economic and social challenges. We let global needs and challenges drive concept exploration for betterment, which ultimately stocks and seeds the white space within our process.
2. Systematic & universal methodology
We establish a universal approach to innovation and venture creation; via our unique process we call The Funnel. A resource network powered approach, to originate innovation systematically and seamlessly.
3. Programme & Product; Macro & Micro
MISX conceives specific programmes and products. We believe in delivering opportunities for future prosperity, whilst tackling present global challenges is best done by establishing targeted programmes. This provides a foundation for innovation and sets the stage for ventures to be established and scaled.
4. Network driven bootstrapped approach
We power development via a network driven bootstrapped approach, with Gen Z students, academics, entrepreneurs, and futurists at its core. We consider a bootstrapped approach to venture conception and initial development (via equity issuance) to be an important factor for long term success. Our IFE agreements (In for Equity) result in all those involved being invested in progress and success for the long term.
5. Stacked solutions & exclusive platforms
We target to conceive, develop, and allow solutions to evolve upstream and downstream. Resulting in stacked solutions as well as exclusive platforms to be realised, upon which other ventures can be developed. This facilitates opportunity, productivity and capacity creation which are fundamental to our offering. Contributing to our fundamental belief to work at both Macro and Micro levels.
6. Compete & partner with established market
We prove collaboration between established market entities and our network allows untapped visions to be realised more effectively and efficiently. We aim to Simultaneously compete and work with established market entities. With economic and social goals being at the forefront we actively pursue partner and challenger relationships with state and government institutions.